Women's counselling

Women’s Counselling Centre

The Women’s Counselling Centre offers comprehensive counselling and support to all women who are affected by or threatened with violence. We support women in coping with difficult life situations. We also advise people who want to help an affected woman.

Contact to women’s counselling centre

Kölnstr. 69, 53111 Bonn

Phone: 0228 659500
(Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m)

Outside these times you can leave a message on the answering machine.

You can also send an e-mail to frauenhausbonn@t-online.de . 

We will then arrange an appointment for a personal or telephone consultation.

counseling is free, confidential and anonymous if desired. The counsellors are bound to confidentiality.

Contact form

    Focal points of counselling

    Violence in relationships includes all forms of physical, psychological and sexualised violence.

    This serves as intimidation to exert power and control.

    Mental violence includes, for example, frightening, threatening, isolating, humiliating, insulting, devaluing, harassing, persecuting and stalking. The threat of violence, e.g. also against children, is also psychological violence.

    Economic violence such as the withdrawal of money, being forced to work or being banned from working is also a means of oppressing women. Issues such as trafficking in women, prostitution, forced marriage or digital violence are included in our counselling.

    Together with the women concerned, we look for ways to lead a future life free of violence.

    We put you in touch with specialised counselling centres and professionals (therapists, lawyers, doctors).

    If necessary, we help women at risk to find a place in a women’s refuge. Women’s refuge search (Frauenhaus Suche)

    We also support women who are looking for their own flat after a separation: (wohnraumfinden…)

    Women threatened by violence can contact the help hotline nationwide: Hilfetelefon

    Since the Protection against Violence Act and the amendment to the NRW Police Act (§ 34a) came into force in January 2002, abused and threatened women have had more opportunities to defend themselves against their violent partners.

    The police can order a violent man out of the home for 10 days, regardless of who owns the home. During this time, the woman can apply to the family court to have the shared home handed over to her and/or obtain a no-contact and no-proximity order against the violent offender.

    After a police intervention, with the consent of the woman concerned, the police inform our advice centre so that we can offer her help.

    The Women’s Counselling Centre offers targeted advice and support on the Protection against Violence Act. On request, we can help with the application process and accompany women to court.

    Working method

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